Ada bah tu penjual ikan, malas betul saya. Kalau dia datang pi rumah jual ikan kan, mesti saya pandai beli terlebih punya. Nasib baik lah ada fridge. So, pada suatu hari dia bawa la baaaanyak ikan tuna (yellow fin) kalau local bilang langkunis. Terus kan dia pandai pandai pigi tambah sana timbangan. embahh mangan nopo la, abis dia kasi kurang juga dua tiga posen. hik.
Ni hari , bila saya kurik-kurik esbok saya, terjumpa la sama ni ikan. Wahh teringat saya sama ikan bakar penuh rempah rempah. hehe ciptaan dari imaginasi sendiri. bah baiklah ini la tu
Oleh kerana saya banyak tanam herbs, saya hantam la kasi masuk semua ni herbs di dalam.
Resepi :
Rempah giling, Bawang merah, bawang putih, halia, serai, lada kering (kena rendam air panas)
Kasi mandi lulur ni ikan pakai rempah yang kena blend, saya campur basil, dill, oregano, daun kunyit & daun limau purut. Terus bungkus sama daun pisang. Kalu teda buli juga guna alluminium foil bah ni.
sebelum bungkus
ikan grill hutan rimba
btw, itu dill punya wangi exactly macam bambangan. Saya rasa sepa-sepa yang kat oversea yang teda bambangan, buli campur sama sup/pinarasakan ikan. Feel like home. kaaangku boh. hehe
nahh bagitu.. wangiiii telampau ni.
Hello Dolly, wow! I am impressed with your grilled ikan. Looks so delicious...ini da tentu tiga pinggan nasi lichin, ha ha. I love your presentation, beautiful pics too, very well taken.
Women like you can cook these fantastic dishes don't grow on trees, lots of women today don't cook.
Ohh...I love your roti jala too, nice the texture, so smooth.
If next you cook fish head curry send me telegram, ha ha.
Have a nice day, simpan satu lagu dalam hati.
Thank you Lee for the compliments. aww.. *blush* I love to take photo and try my luck to sell it at microstock photo agency. ya due to lots of photos taken, wasted also if didn't do something about it. I think i better share (and sell!). Further more, its my duty to cook daily for my family. So, i plant+cook+take photo+eat & sell those photos! how cool is that. Kill two birds with one stone. haha
btw, yes, i will cook fish head curry one day. its in my bucket list.
You too have a nice day.
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