All the sayur remind me of tamu Inanam dulu dulu. Use to go with Ina. Itu bungor and tiwak tonibung, long time no makan, we don't have tiwak tonibung here only tiwak piasau mamau...langadon oo bila nampak semua ni... Dolly ni kan... what are trying to do.... down the memory land kah.... siok mau tau....Thanks
P/S I attended one talk a few months ago about if you write a book you can promote it to the State Library and masukkan as one of the collections in the Library, if it is good enough. They buy it from you and even distribute it to all the library in Sabah and the main Library in KL if it has an educational values. You can even put Hak Cipta Terpelihara so that no one can tiru or copy your book. So try lah. But don't just send it to any publisher, because they will have the Hak Cipta Terpelihara and not you....
Nang, bukan down memory land, untuk reference pi tamu, smart budget. heheh so, kalau ko tingu gambar sia, ada idea apa mau bili. and give u idea apa yang kana jual in each tamu. kanggkuu boh..
about the book...panjang cerita gia tu. nanti kupikir-pikir.
ps: takkan bundle boutique tu ko nda mo komen. lol
siok tinguk tamu dalam blog..
tu bundle boutique sa panggil gompuq's kalu ada luck buli dapat 2nd hand authentic Levi's moti...!
Very nice captured Doll. baik ko tulis lagi satu buku Jalan2 cari tamu..atau Guntomu LOL!
my mum used to called bundle boutique "nougar-ugar". but we have our own words for that.hehehe
Ya, if you're lucky macam-macam original item buli dapat. i ever dapat LV handbag ori (ada seriel no lagi tu)for rm 3 only.
buat buku? hehe cari soponsor dulu. LOL
All the sayur remind me of tamu Inanam dulu dulu. Use to go with Ina. Itu bungor and tiwak tonibung, long time no makan, we don't have tiwak tonibung here only tiwak piasau mamau...langadon oo bila nampak semua ni... Dolly ni kan... what are trying to do.... down the memory land kah.... siok mau tau....Thanks
P/S I attended one talk a few months ago about if you write a book you can promote it to the State Library and masukkan as one of the collections in the Library, if it is good enough. They buy it from you and even distribute it to all the library in Sabah and the main Library in KL if it has an educational values. You can even put Hak Cipta Terpelihara so that no one can tiru or copy your book. So try lah. But don't just send it to any publisher, because they will have the Hak Cipta Terpelihara and not you....
Nang, bukan down memory land, untuk reference pi tamu, smart budget. heheh so, kalau ko tingu gambar sia, ada idea apa mau bili. and give u idea apa yang kana jual in each tamu. kanggkuu boh..
about the book...panjang cerita gia tu. nanti kupikir-pikir.
ps: takkan bundle boutique tu ko nda mo komen. lol
bundle and my mom called it "tarik-tarik" lol!!!!
oh i love this tamu.
B, uinaa baru sia dingar tarik-tarik o! lol
Willie, thanks for dropping by.
wah rajin ko Dolly, enjoy tinguk foto ko, buli jadi penulis travelers magazine ko ni hehehe
Hehehe...Dol..Ris..kalau siurang kami panggil 'lilung'...siok mirikau mogium apalagi kalau baru kana buka stok...hehhe...
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